2024 Parade Rules & Signup




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  1. This parade is dedicated to the men and women who have served honorably in the United States Armed Forces.  Entries and decorations shall conform to this theme and will show respect and dignity to our veterans, our active military and the United States Flag.
  2. No entry will be allowed that is primarily designed as a commercial promotion of a private company.  Entries may include the name of a business that sponsors them but cannot carry any additional advertising for that company or business.
  3. No entry will be allowed to promote a particular political or social viewpoint except for those honoring the service of our veterans and current members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  4. No political candidacy signs are allowed.  Current office holders are encouraged to participate and may identify themselves and the office they currently hold.
  5. The only national flag allowed in this parade is the flag of the United States of America.  The only state flag allowed will be the flag of the State of Tennessee.  Active duty, Reserve, National Guard and Scouting units may fly any flag or banner that is authorized for their unit.  No other flags are permitted in this parade.  Any deviations from this rule must be requested in writing on the parade application and approved by the parade committee.
  6. The parade committee reserves the right to reject any entry that is not in good taste, inappropriate, or not in the best interest of the parade.  Any deviations from these rules must be submitted in writing to the parade committee along with an explanation or justification for the requested deviation.
  7. This is a forward motion parade.  No backward motion is permitted.  Brief stops during the parade for dance routines and/or band performances are acceptable.  All units must keep pace with the unit in front of them but should also maintain a safe distance from the unit in front of them.
  8. There shall be no throwing, distributing or handing out of any type of items to parade observers by units in the parade.  This includes candy, toys, novelties, printed material, etc.
  9. There will be no recorded music played during the Parade without the specific permission of the Parade Committee.
  10. All vehicles in the parade must be operated by a driver licensed to operate that particular type of vehicle and each vehicle must have the appropriate liability insurance to operate on a public road.
  11. Use of the United State Flag as decoration must follow the Flag Code.  Visit www.legion.org for information regarding this topic.
  12. All decorative materials must be flame retardant.
  13. All participants must be uniformed, costumed or appropriately attired.
  14. Equestrian and/or animals are prohibited. Service animals are permitted.
  15. Each parade entry should carry or display a banner identifying their group if possible.  Each parade entry should also complete the attached unit description form (information for dissemination to the media).
  16. Parade lineup will take place from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.  Each unit should check in with the Parade Marshal or designee as soon as they arrive.  The Parade Marshal will be located at the corner of Hall of Fame Drive and Historic Preservation Dr.  All units must be prepared to start moving promptly at 10:40 am.
  17. Buses carrying JROTC units and/or band members will drop off their participants in front of the Civic Coliseum, on Hall of Fame Drive, and then proceed to the pick-up location as directed.  There will be a specific schedule for drop-off to reduce congestion, which must be adhered to.

18.  Updates on the parade will be posted at www.legionknox.com.